So I haven’t posted in 10y but I’m glad this site is still up because I just heard sad news and can’t reach anyone to talk about it- did you guys know Yvonne ((e:Imk2)) died?!?! Last March. I just found out yesterday. Ugh. I’m sad.
Jenks's Journal
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12/07/2021 07:00 #60860
Omg you guys!!!Category: sad
03/10/2011 15:51 #53802
the bat storyWell, It's been a while. 6 months I think? So, I guess it's time for an update.
So, things are good here.
Work is going well, which feels really good.
Chris is doing well too, and found a job in town, which is great news.
I assume/hope we'll get married one of these days, but that ball is in his court, and I don't want to push.
I guess the biggest news is that I put an offer on a house this morning... now just to wait and see if they accept it.
But I've had a little story stuck in my head for a few days now, that I thought might be worth sharing.
When I moved back to town, I reconnected with an old family friend. And this past summer her father, M, was killed in a car accident. It was really devastating. He was a great man. Pillar of the community, etc etc. And, he ran the Newport Music Festival.
So when the time came for the first festival without him, it was a bit somber. And at the end of opening night, people gave speeches in his memory, etc. And I guess all of the sudden, a bat flew in the window. It just quietly swooped about overhead for a few circles, then settled down on a beam, and "watched". Now this place (one of the mansions) is not the kind of place that gets bats.
But so people started whispering and murmuring- they felt the bat was M. And I guess one by one, people started standing up, and applauding the bat. When they were done, he just got off his perch, and flew away.
Then a few months later, my friend was at home one night, getting ready for bed... and she was having a rough time. Missing her dad, sad about a boyfriend, etc etc. She was getting in bed, with a heavy heart, and heard this noise, and looked up- a bat. Gently circling around her bedroom. She said 'hi papa...' and watched him for a while, then opened the window, and he left.
So, I don't really believe in reincarnation and all that... but... you hear stories like that, and there's just something comforting about it.
So, (e:Jason).... next time you're feeling glum.... keep an eye out for a bat, watching over you. Or perhaps a coffee bean, or a beer bottle, or some more Josh-like thing. :)
And finally, I'll leave you with a few pix. :) (most of which have been on FB, so, I apologize if they look familiar.)

So, things are good here.
Work is going well, which feels really good.
Chris is doing well too, and found a job in town, which is great news.
I assume/hope we'll get married one of these days, but that ball is in his court, and I don't want to push.
I guess the biggest news is that I put an offer on a house this morning... now just to wait and see if they accept it.
But I've had a little story stuck in my head for a few days now, that I thought might be worth sharing.
When I moved back to town, I reconnected with an old family friend. And this past summer her father, M, was killed in a car accident. It was really devastating. He was a great man. Pillar of the community, etc etc. And, he ran the Newport Music Festival.
So when the time came for the first festival without him, it was a bit somber. And at the end of opening night, people gave speeches in his memory, etc. And I guess all of the sudden, a bat flew in the window. It just quietly swooped about overhead for a few circles, then settled down on a beam, and "watched". Now this place (one of the mansions) is not the kind of place that gets bats.
But so people started whispering and murmuring- they felt the bat was M. And I guess one by one, people started standing up, and applauding the bat. When they were done, he just got off his perch, and flew away.
Then a few months later, my friend was at home one night, getting ready for bed... and she was having a rough time. Missing her dad, sad about a boyfriend, etc etc. She was getting in bed, with a heavy heart, and heard this noise, and looked up- a bat. Gently circling around her bedroom. She said 'hi papa...' and watched him for a while, then opened the window, and he left.
So, I don't really believe in reincarnation and all that... but... you hear stories like that, and there's just something comforting about it.
So, (e:Jason).... next time you're feeling glum.... keep an eye out for a bat, watching over you. Or perhaps a coffee bean, or a beer bottle, or some more Josh-like thing. :)
And finally, I'll leave you with a few pix. :) (most of which have been on FB, so, I apologize if they look familiar.)
tinypliny - 03/10/11 19:45
Nevermind, they are not. :::link::: You unlearn something everyday! :-)
Who's the kid? Is s/he your cute niece's sibling?
Nevermind, they are not. :::link::: You unlearn something everyday! :-)
Who's the kid? Is s/he your cute niece's sibling?
tinypliny - 03/10/11 19:42
Aren't bats blind?
Aren't bats blind?
metalpeter - 03/10/11 18:03
If your using IE that happens a lot.... If you use Chrome then once you drag the pictures you have to give it time for them to go to 100% and show up next to the name and then the number shows up in the post not sure about how firefox works.....................
Good story though.........................
If your using IE that happens a lot.... If you use Chrome then once you drag the pictures you have to give it time for them to go to 100% and show up next to the name and then the number shows up in the post not sure about how firefox works.....................
Good story though.........................
jenks - 03/10/11 15:52
Well, just one picture I guess. The others say they uploaded, but they're not there.
Well, just one picture I guess. The others say they uploaded, but they're not there.
03/08/2011 17:34 #53785
prayers for a friendhi estrip.
I know it's been ages- but I just wanted to pass along some news, to those of you that haven't already heard on FB...
Josh Larson was found dead this morning.
(and Jason- I apologize if it's not my place to spread this news, I'll take it down if you want.)
I know it's been ages- but I just wanted to pass along some news, to those of you that haven't already heard on FB...
Josh Larson was found dead this morning.
(and Jason- I apologize if it's not my place to spread this news, I'll take it down if you want.)
museumchick - 03/08/11 21:08
Josh will be missed by so many people. I'm so sorry to hear this news. I only met him a few times, but he seemed like such a great guy, really funny and intelligent.
Josh will be missed by so many people. I'm so sorry to hear this news. I only met him a few times, but he seemed like such a great guy, really funny and intelligent.
metalpeter - 03/08/11 19:20
I don't know what to say that I all ready haven't what can one say really other then I'm sorry for your lose as well............
I don't know what to say that I all ready haven't what can one say really other then I'm sorry for your lose as well............
mrmike - 03/08/11 19:14
Just saw the feed on FB, still stunned.
Just saw the feed on FB, still stunned.
matthew - 03/08/11 18:15
oh my god. what horrible news. I'm sending my best wishes to Jason and his family.Joshua will be missed.
oh my god. what horrible news. I'm sending my best wishes to Jason and his family.Joshua will be missed.
08/30/2010 09:55 #52608
blogaliciousAww, Paul I'm sorry you're sad about estrip. That makes me sad too.
I'm not sure if it's specific to estrip though- I think society is just changing. I do think facebook (which I like) and twitter (which I hate) are probably a part of this sea change. I'm just not sure anyone really blogs much anywhere anymore.
In my case, moving and getting ready to start a new job has made it harder. And, I feel like my life isn't as interesting and blog-worthy these days. But like jbeatty said- when I first moved to town, it really was great and helped me meet a lot of people. Who I am still friends with now- so I think that counts for a lot. But now that I'm not single and out drinking til 4am and bitching and moaning about boys- there's not as much to say. I'm happy and boring now, I guess. haha.
But actually, I was coming here just to write a blog and post some pictures, so, I will go ahead.
I went to Maine this weekend for a wedding. Tiny little town on the water. Beautiful, but very remote. No cell reception anywhere. No national chain store/restaurant/gas station of any sort anywhere. Which at first seems cute and charming and quaint- but that would wear off fast. Fun to visit; I could never live there. Also- it's pretty in the summer, but I can only imagine how cold and bleak it is in the winter.
But it was nice to see old friends from college, and meet new people. It was a small wedding- and I'm actually really touched that I was even invited- I never knew I was that important to the groom.
But we went up a couple days early to make a little trip out of it, and we actually went sea kayaking, which was a lot of fun. Left me with some sore shoulders, (which means I was doing it wrong), but it was peaceful and beautiful.
Now I'm back home... start work next tuesday. One week left of 'freedom'. I'm super scared.
Ok, some pix...

This seems like the beginning of a Stephen King book, particularly as about 3 seconds later a sinister looking black pickup truck passed us at about a million mph. "the young couple drove cautiously across the narrow causeway, to the deserted island ahead..."
View from our B&B- Morning, low tide

Again, morning- low tide

From the B&B, but high tide this time.

Just driving around, had to pull over and take pix

I love that they sell lobster everywhere. Even at the ice cream shop.

Eggemoggin, I think

Pumpkin Island lighthouse

Waiting for the bride and groom

Self explanatory. :)

Across the water from the Inn

Reception in full swing

Doesn't that just scream "summer relaxation"?

Quintessential Maine coast.
I'm not sure if it's specific to estrip though- I think society is just changing. I do think facebook (which I like) and twitter (which I hate) are probably a part of this sea change. I'm just not sure anyone really blogs much anywhere anymore.
In my case, moving and getting ready to start a new job has made it harder. And, I feel like my life isn't as interesting and blog-worthy these days. But like jbeatty said- when I first moved to town, it really was great and helped me meet a lot of people. Who I am still friends with now- so I think that counts for a lot. But now that I'm not single and out drinking til 4am and bitching and moaning about boys- there's not as much to say. I'm happy and boring now, I guess. haha.
But actually, I was coming here just to write a blog and post some pictures, so, I will go ahead.
I went to Maine this weekend for a wedding. Tiny little town on the water. Beautiful, but very remote. No cell reception anywhere. No national chain store/restaurant/gas station of any sort anywhere. Which at first seems cute and charming and quaint- but that would wear off fast. Fun to visit; I could never live there. Also- it's pretty in the summer, but I can only imagine how cold and bleak it is in the winter.
But it was nice to see old friends from college, and meet new people. It was a small wedding- and I'm actually really touched that I was even invited- I never knew I was that important to the groom.
But we went up a couple days early to make a little trip out of it, and we actually went sea kayaking, which was a lot of fun. Left me with some sore shoulders, (which means I was doing it wrong), but it was peaceful and beautiful.
Now I'm back home... start work next tuesday. One week left of 'freedom'. I'm super scared.
Ok, some pix...

This seems like the beginning of a Stephen King book, particularly as about 3 seconds later a sinister looking black pickup truck passed us at about a million mph. "the young couple drove cautiously across the narrow causeway, to the deserted island ahead..."

View from our B&B- Morning, low tide

Again, morning- low tide

From the B&B, but high tide this time.

Just driving around, had to pull over and take pix

I love that they sell lobster everywhere. Even at the ice cream shop.

Eggemoggin, I think

Pumpkin Island lighthouse

Waiting for the bride and groom

Self explanatory. :)

Across the water from the Inn

Reception in full swing

Doesn't that just scream "summer relaxation"?

Quintessential Maine coast.
08/30/2010 10:29 #52609
NantucketAnd here's another little adventure I can blog about, I guess...
So last weekend some friends were going to come visit from Buffalo. But my one girlfriend had to work late friday, blah blah, and it was too much of a drive for just the weekend.
But then she called me friday to say that a friend wanted to take his seaplane to Newport, so they were coming after all.
How freaking cool is that. So I was pretty psyched to have them come in by seaplane. Buuuut then it got stormy, so they couldn't take the seaplane.
Which just meant they had to take the jet.
So, we went to the airport to meet them. It was kind of rainy and nasty.

Then we played tour guide, and drove them around town, gawked at the mansions, and ate some lunch.
Then the guy who owns the jet decided "hey, let's go go Martha's Vineyard for dinner. It's only a ten minute flight!"
Ummmm, let me think.
So we went back to the airport. Then found out that since the Obamas were on MV, you needed to apply for permission to land 72h in advance, so we couldn't go.
So, we went to Nantucket instead. Which is adorable.

Not too shabby...

What? no bulletproof door between us and the pilot? But what if I'm a terrorist?!

In the seatback pocket.

Ah yes. the "private jet lifestyle magazine". Only $35/issue.
And then, in a very rare fit of spontaneity, Chris and I decided to let them fly back to Buffalo, and we were going to stay on Nantucket. We had no bags, no toothbrushes, nowhere to stay, and no way to get home the next day. NOT a situation I am comfortable with. But we decided to go for it.

Nantucket is really cute.
Of course, it was 7pm on a Sunday by this point, and crappy weather.
So, we set out to find a place to stay. Wandered into one place... "why yes, we have a room! $295/night." (oh crap.) Then they check their sister hotel 'well they have a suite too. Water view $495/nt, no view $450."
Uh oh. We are starting to think we've made an expensive little mistake here.
So I try priceline on my phone. Nothing.
Then yelp.
And on yelp found a great little B&B and got a great little room at a normal-person rate.

Our B&B. The Barnacle Inn.
Ok, so we had a place to stay. Now what... let's go out on the town?
well, it's sunday night. And raining. So, we played scrabble and went to bed. Planned to explore a little in the morning, have lunch, and catch a ferry back.
Well at breakfast learned that the ferries were getting cancelled.
So we called them right away. Got tickets on the 1030 am ferry. By this point it was POURING rain. Then heard the hotel manager say they were all booked for the night.
So we went to the ferry dock. At 1015, they cancelled the 1030 ferry. Great, now we have no way to get home, and nowhere to stay.
Put our name on the list for the 130 ferry, and went to the other ferry dock. Bought tickets for the 1200 "slow boat". Was not looking forward to a 2 hour ride on a less stable boat in terrible weather, but figured it might be our only chance off the island, so we took it.

This picture does not do it justice- the water was ROUGH.
And good thing we did- right after we left they cancelled the rest of the boats off the island- until wed.
So the ferry ride was bearable. Met some super nice people. Then my sweet brother picked us up in Hyannis- a good 2h drive from home.
So all in all, we didn't do much and the weather sucked, but, it was still kind of a fun little 'adventure.' :)
So last weekend some friends were going to come visit from Buffalo. But my one girlfriend had to work late friday, blah blah, and it was too much of a drive for just the weekend.
But then she called me friday to say that a friend wanted to take his seaplane to Newport, so they were coming after all.
How freaking cool is that. So I was pretty psyched to have them come in by seaplane. Buuuut then it got stormy, so they couldn't take the seaplane.
Which just meant they had to take the jet.
So, we went to the airport to meet them. It was kind of rainy and nasty.

Then we played tour guide, and drove them around town, gawked at the mansions, and ate some lunch.
Then the guy who owns the jet decided "hey, let's go go Martha's Vineyard for dinner. It's only a ten minute flight!"
Ummmm, let me think.
So we went back to the airport. Then found out that since the Obamas were on MV, you needed to apply for permission to land 72h in advance, so we couldn't go.
So, we went to Nantucket instead. Which is adorable.

Not too shabby...

What? no bulletproof door between us and the pilot? But what if I'm a terrorist?!

In the seatback pocket.

Ah yes. the "private jet lifestyle magazine". Only $35/issue.
And then, in a very rare fit of spontaneity, Chris and I decided to let them fly back to Buffalo, and we were going to stay on Nantucket. We had no bags, no toothbrushes, nowhere to stay, and no way to get home the next day. NOT a situation I am comfortable with. But we decided to go for it.

Nantucket is really cute.
Of course, it was 7pm on a Sunday by this point, and crappy weather.
So, we set out to find a place to stay. Wandered into one place... "why yes, we have a room! $295/night." (oh crap.) Then they check their sister hotel 'well they have a suite too. Water view $495/nt, no view $450."
Uh oh. We are starting to think we've made an expensive little mistake here.
So I try priceline on my phone. Nothing.
Then yelp.
And on yelp found a great little B&B and got a great little room at a normal-person rate.

Our B&B. The Barnacle Inn.
Ok, so we had a place to stay. Now what... let's go out on the town?
well, it's sunday night. And raining. So, we played scrabble and went to bed. Planned to explore a little in the morning, have lunch, and catch a ferry back.
Well at breakfast learned that the ferries were getting cancelled.
So we called them right away. Got tickets on the 1030 am ferry. By this point it was POURING rain. Then heard the hotel manager say they were all booked for the night.
So we went to the ferry dock. At 1015, they cancelled the 1030 ferry. Great, now we have no way to get home, and nowhere to stay.
Put our name on the list for the 130 ferry, and went to the other ferry dock. Bought tickets for the 1200 "slow boat". Was not looking forward to a 2 hour ride on a less stable boat in terrible weather, but figured it might be our only chance off the island, so we took it.

This picture does not do it justice- the water was ROUGH.
And good thing we did- right after we left they cancelled the rest of the boats off the island- until wed.
So the ferry ride was bearable. Met some super nice people. Then my sweet brother picked us up in Hyannis- a good 2h drive from home.
So all in all, we didn't do much and the weather sucked, but, it was still kind of a fun little 'adventure.' :)
tinypliny - 08/31/10 14:41
You have friends with private jets? Duly noted. ;-)
You have friends with private jets? Duly noted. ;-)
mrmike - 08/30/10 12:00
The whole thing was very cool, nice story
The whole thing was very cool, nice story
jenks - 08/30/10 11:06
Yeah, it's pretty crazy. I can't even imagine it either- but it's fun to get to tag along and pretend every once in a while. ;) Although actually it makes me feel kind of awkward and conspicuous and uncomfortable. I don't think I'd be comfortable being that wealthy.
And there was a condo meeting on friday- waiting to hear the results on the recycling front. But I know some other owners in the building are upset about it too- so at least I've got some backup.
Yeah, it's pretty crazy. I can't even imagine it either- but it's fun to get to tag along and pretend every once in a while. ;) Although actually it makes me feel kind of awkward and conspicuous and uncomfortable. I don't think I'd be comfortable being that wealthy.
And there was a condo meeting on friday- waiting to hear the results on the recycling front. But I know some other owners in the building are upset about it too- so at least I've got some backup.
libertad - 08/30/10 11:02
P.S. Glad you had a good time! Did you ever work out your recycling issue?
P.S. Glad you had a good time! Did you ever work out your recycling issue?
libertad - 08/30/10 11:02
Wow, I can't believe you know somebody with a private jet and sea plane. I rode my bike to the falls yesterday and there were so many really expensive homes along the Niagara on the Canadian side. I just couldn't comprehend having so much money because I never have had it. I wouldn't even be able to afford these people's landscaping! It's amazing how many people have so much money.
Wow, I can't believe you know somebody with a private jet and sea plane. I rode my bike to the falls yesterday and there were so many really expensive homes along the Niagara on the Canadian side. I just couldn't comprehend having so much money because I never have had it. I wouldn't even be able to afford these people's landscaping! It's amazing how many people have so much money.
jenks - 08/30/10 10:47
Exactly. I am so NOT spontaneous and always have to be in control of everything- so it felt good to "let go" a little. And it all worked out in the end, with a good little story too. :)
Exactly. I am so NOT spontaneous and always have to be in control of everything- so it felt good to "let go" a little. And it all worked out in the end, with a good little story too. :)
paul - 08/30/10 10:42
Wow, that sounds fanctabulous minus the weather/hotel drama. I woudl do it just for the story.
Wow, that sounds fanctabulous minus the weather/hotel drama. I woudl do it just for the story.
Thank you for sharing with me this morning because NO - I had no idea!